Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In Abundance

A few weeks ago Favorite Husband was off to have drinks with some friends. And I felt jealous.  Not that he was leaving, but mostly because I didn't have the same kind of opportunity.  My lack of friends nearby has often made me sad.  Besides FH (favorite husband of course!) my bestest (yes, I know that's not a "real" word) friends live thousands of miles away.  I do know a lot of people here and have my fair share of acquaintances but it seems everyone is in this parenting/marriage stage of life and we all don't have much time to pursue friendships.

After focusing on it for a long time I came to the realization that finding new friends is like dating.  It involves trust, patience and hoping you have the right chemistry.  It also requires being vulnerable and letting your guard down.  Was I ready for all that? 

Instead of lamenting about my lack of friend outings, I started to focus on myself. I started to do things that made me happy (reading, writing, crocheting! -More on that later!).  Sure, I thought, it might be a lonely time, but I do have my husband & the kids.  I have a very supportive family back home and the few friends that I do have (even though some are very far away) are of the highest quality. I decided that was enough.  And just like that my focus shifted from what I wanted to being grateful for the awesome people I already had.

And then abundance appeared.  It appeared in the form of a Bountiful Basket gifted & delivered to my doorstep by my dear friends at themoreonesows.blogspot.com.  (Thank you for all your kindness Sari & Erick), a lunch date with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile, a play date with one of Ayden's friends and his family and then SURPRISE! a new friend appeared.

Driving today to meet said new friend I thought about how really blessed I am.  It's a good time in my life.  I have everything I need and most of what I want.  I am living in abundance and I couldn't be more grateful.