For months I have been thinking about this... hoping somehow the platform I felt like I needed would just appear out of thin air.
A few weeks ago I finally told my F.H. that I wished I had some place to talk about the issues that are important and of interest to me: parenting, grief, the mind-body connection, writing, marriage and my love for all things beauty. While I was talking to him I realized what he would say before I was even done (and if you know my husband you know how hard working he is and how if something doesn't exist he will create it). If you think that what you want will magically fall into your lap, you are wrong.
I don't know why I always seem to think that it will, but I definitely believe that something will just "happen" at the right moment. But as much as I believe in that I know for a fact that that shit is few and far between. So instead of sitting here silently wishing this existed I told myself: "If it doesn't exist: make it!"
A personal downfall of mine is my ability to come up with many excuses of why I can't do things. (seriously if I spent half as much time actually doing shit instead of thinking about all the reasons I can't I would be super productive) I am a HUGE procrastinator. I can work really hard once I get the ball in motion, but finding the motivation to get off my ass and do something is the hardest part. I'm lazy. I like naps.
I am time rich, but am not really doing anything to propel my life further. I am that way though, when I have too much of something I generally take it for granted. I have always, for as long as I can remember, wanted to be a writer. If blogs and shit existed when I was a tween/teenager I would have thousands and thousands of posts by now. Now it seems like since all this is so easily accessible I fight with myself to write the "right" things... the things that people will want to read. But there are so many stories in my heart that my fingers can barely keep up these days.
So, duh, Tari, the platform you need to talk about all the issues you love is HERE. And let's be extra cliche and say "If you write it, they will read." LOL. Well, hopefully. But if I don't write it than no one will read it, right?
So... here I am creating my own informal platform to talk about all the shit that runs through my head on the daily, the things I struggle with, the people that are most important to me and how to get through life in spite of all the voices in my head that tell me I can't. (and to be clear I don't hear ACTUAL voices, but you know what I mean.)
I'm tired of excuses and I'm tired of waiting for these good things to happen to me. I constantly say that I wish I had half the work ethic F.H. does. He has so much ambition and doesn't waste time. I really admire that about him. I always wished I could be like him, but since that doesn't come naturally I haven't ever really been inclined to you know, just do the work.
So... here I am, actually jumping into this writing adventure. No more excuses and no more stopping myself from doing what I love. Stay tuned, my friends.
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