Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I have a friend...

She has two beautiful children, runs a successful salon & photography business and is an amazing example for living off the land.  Her family lives in this beautifully decorated cottage (which she of course decorated herself and by beautiful I mean looks like it should be pictured in a magazine.  It's that perfect!) where they can, dehydrate and grow their own food. Not only does she have all these awesome skills but she is an amazing Mother, Wife and Friend.

Now, I cannot imagine where she gets all her energy from (But for that I blame my sensitivity to caffeine and my inability to imbibe in delicious caffeinated coffee without wanting to jump out of my skin) but I do aspire to be more like her.  It seems like she has it "together" and I'm all over here like "I washed the dishes today!"  LOL.  But for real.

Aspiring to be like her and the amazing qualities I believe she possesses would have, in my life before my thirties, made me feel inadequate.  I would look at all the things she had succeeded at and then at my own life and feel like I came up short.  Today I look at her as an inspiration to help me to be a better version of myself.  It is so easy to measure your life to other people's standards.  To see their successes where you have failed and the things that have become good habits for them that you are still struggling with yourself.  In this comparison we fail to see them in their completeness.  We don't see the things that they struggle with, the failures of their heart or the sacrifices they have made to get them to where they are today.

The older I get I realize my circle of friends gets smaller.  I think in your thirties you really begin to understand your mortality (something that in my twenties didn't really seem to exist), that the time is short and you should spend it with those you bring out the best in you.  I hope you all have a friend who inspires good changes in you, who helps you reach for your dreams and is happy for your successes.   I hope you have at least one friend who sees the beauty in your struggle and understands your story.  I hope you surround yourself with people who want the best for you, who make you want to be a better version of yourself and who appreciates you, flaws and all.

I have a friend who inspires me to see life from a different perspective, who allows me to see the possibilities of my focused energy, who makes me better.   Thank you, Sari.

*If you would like to follow her and her family's adventures please check them out here:


  1. Tari, I have had my stuggles this last year and a half, I cant tell you how Sari & her family makes me feel..I feel love and support, I live Vicariously through Sari when I wake up in the morning I Think what is Sari doing today, what can I acomplish? I push myself as hard as I can...I have evn picked up a shovel and pick to help the commuity all the while walking with my cane..and that came from what I leared from Sare and her family! ♥

    1. Georgia, Sari & her family are a true blessing. It is no surprise to me that they have touched so many people's lives. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. :)
